Monday, November 22, 2010


From Nighlight International's website:

The increasing number of families dealing with infertility issues has led the medical profession to develop ever more creative solutions. We are now encountering new issues created by these new solutions, including the existence of hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos created through in-vitro fertilization. Couples who successfully give birth after IVF grapple with the question of what to do with remaining embryos. Pre-born children who once were highly prized now exist in a state of suspended animation, their future very much in doubt.

Nightlight Christian Adoptions is a licensed adoption agency with over 50 years of experience in helping to build families and solve family problems. We were the first licensed agency in the nation to provide for the adoption of embryos. The focus of Snowflakes is to reach out to those post-infertility patients who have been successful in conceiving and giving birth to children through in-vitro fertilization and are now confronted with the decision of planning the future of their frozen embryos.

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