Monday, March 14, 2011

Miracles Do Happen

It’s my first post in a while. Probably because I've been busy being pregnant! :-)

I knew I was pregnant on January 27th. I went to the store after work that day and bought a pregnancy test kit. At home I casually made conversation about my day with Josh who was sitting in the living room. I took the test then put groceries away and continued chatting with Josh. 3 minutes later I saw two lines. I called out from the bathroom "uhh... Joshua, come here..." He came and I showed him the test. He didn't believe it. I was getting excited and he just kept saying "I don't know..." I think after everything we've been though it just wasn't believable to him. Understandable.

On January 28th I went to a doctor’s appointment with Josh. He had a pre-scheduled appointment to go over some blood work results. At the office I said to the nurse "I think I might be pregnant. What do I do now?" She offered to give me another test to make sure. I did the test and then we waited. A couple of minutes later the nurse peeked in the door with the test in hand and said "congratulations, Daddy!" Josh jumped and yelled "WHAT?!" Then we hugged and cried and laughed. He finally believed me!

Considering everything we've been through over the past few years, and especially the past 6 months, it's easy to consider this a miracle. I'm thankful for the experiences we've had, even the painful ones. We've learned to be patient and trust that God has a plan. In the end I can say with conviction that even if God had not blessed us with this child we would have continued to have faith and patience for the journey. So now it is with pure joy and awe that we get to begin the next part of our journey. Parenthood, here we come!

Here's a baby picture from a few weeks ago. Sweet little jelly bean!

1 comment:

SheriLynn Alcala said...

Sooo excited for you! I have had a blast blogging about our pregnancy is so fun to go back and read (it goes by so fast!) :) Make sure you Blog a lot!!! lol xoxo